Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Business fortunes sweetness Sari Qurma

Each entered the month of Ramadan it is today, dates juice drinks are always in demand. Understandably, dates are identical with the Ramadan and feast day. However, make no mistake, beyond any period of Ramdhan, was the sale of palm juice drinks also never quiet. For one thing, but good, the drink is known to have many benefits. For example treatment of dengue fever and facilitate breast milk (breast milk).

There are two types of palm juice in circulation. The first is the essence of pure palm-shaped thick like honey. Second, extract palm sugar is added as a preservative. Way of consumption just as consumption of honey or syrup. However, we should not consume too much because the stomach will be hot.

One of the companies that do business this palm juice is Amal Mulia CV prosperous, in Bogor, which produces palm-branded drinks Al Jazira. Achmad Fauzi, Head of Marketing Honor Amal see, later, demand for palm juice is growing. In fact, the production of Al Jazira today that has reached 15,000 bottles per day or an average of about 375,000 bottles per month has not been able to meet market demand.

Because, according to Achmad, the demand per day averaged about 40,000 bottles. Well, if the month of fasting, as now, demand could increase five-fold. "We reached overwhelmed, so that should boost production," he said.

These spikes in demand as well as experienced CV Sehat Lestari Prima producing branded drinks Sahara dates. Abu Mohammed, manager of CV Sehat Lestari Prima, said he receives requests from agents and distributors during the fasting month this could double the demand for regular days. "Demand also rose during the pilgrimage season, because people who would not normally bother buying souvenirs from here," he explained.

Today, the company's production capacity is around 50,000 bottles per month.

Material constraints

Both Sahara and Al Jazira made from raw materials imported dates from the Middle East. Standard purchase price according to Abu dates ranging from Rp 9500 to Rp 10,000 per kilogram. "The price depends on fluctuations in United States dollars (U.S.)," said Abu.

So if the U.S. dollar is high, CV Sehat Lestari Prima choose to reduce the purchase of raw materials dates. "It's become an obstacle for us," he said.

Types of dates used by the CV Sehat Lestari Prima is a type of red Sayer. Because the texture of red dates and Sayer hard not contain much juice. In addition, this type of dates are also not easily rot.

Meanwhile, Al Jazira sari dates using raw materials dates of Nagel and Tunisia. Achmad reasoned, these types of dates contains lots of fiber and essence bush.

Currently, CV Sehat Lestari Prima employs 15 employees to manage these dates juice business. Meanwhile, Amal Mulia CV of production capacity far greater employ as many as 85 employees.

Only, although a different scale of business, markets the two companies both have extensive and penetrated other parts of Indonesia. Even Al Jazira date palm juice is also sold to Malaysia and the Philippines. Both these dates juice products can stand for one year to 1.5 years.

In the market, the selling price of Al Jazira palm juice around 22,000 - Rp 45,000 per bottle, depending on the area of marketing. However, the factory price of around 10,000 - Rp 15,000 per bottle. Meanwhile, the price of palm juice Sahara Rp 25,000 per bottle. The factory price of about Rp 22,000.

\ Both CV's manager admitted that the products they produce is always absorbed by the market. Pernjualan sari dates from the Sahara, called Abu Prima Lestari CV Healthy profit margins could be making 30 percent-40 percent. Both believe the business prospects of palm juice is quite large. Because, unlike the usual drinks, this product has many benefits.


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