Monday, December 7, 2009

    The importance of establishing good relations with customers

    At home business opportunity to remind all businesses and entrepreneurs who are busy selling or serving customers without thinking about the relationship with the customer, may be useful

    Who are our Customers?

    The question may be very simple. But try to convey such a simple question to some friends you? Do not be surprised if we get a less than satisfactory answer, or answers to each other are very different we might not even get a response at all. The answer to that question is actually a picture of how far we recognize our customers.

    Return to the original question, often cause us to miss the routine of our customers recognize. We looked at only those customers who buy our product or service. We never thought the customer was a very meaningful to us, so we need not recognize.

    Let us contemplate, in the morning if there was someone who bought the service / products of our company, have we tried to find out what's his name, where he lived, what he does, what problems it faces, what we can help. If the customers who come are the employees of a company / organization, have we tried to understand about the people in these organizations, what is the organization of business, what problems and what can we do?

    Perhaps what is stated above is something idealistic, but how can we will provide good service to someone or a group of people if we do not identify with either one person or group of people who will we serve it. Therefore, in order to win / reach customers and maintained, then the first step that must be passed is to understand who and how our customers. There's an old saying in Spanish: "to be a fighter against the bulls, first you must learn to be a bull".

    there are 3 groups customers

    1. Assertive customers, which is like a direct communication, and talk faster. They do not need many words, that they need is a responsive action, and fast.
    2. Customer oriented details. Customers of this type requires a lot of information before making a decision. We must explain everything in more detail but still without even speak ill of other companies.
    3. Customers who are relationship-oriented. In this type of customer, the relationship becomes a very important thing. For this type of customer our relationship with those who said so in their decisions to buy or not.

    from the three groups on the customer type, is already clear that we as providers of services or goods can not just assume the customer come to buy and need our services, but to us who need to maintain their relationship with him for the way our efforts later on, rather than only for a moment

    Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    Morinda citrifolia juice business

    Morning friends, on this sunny day setiya-business will tell you a little about fruit Morinda citrifolia juice (mengkudu juice) ,

    Long-course fruit Morinda citrifolia is known and quite a lot of other people do not find this because properties of Morinda citrifolia is itself the fruit of a drug can be various diseases from mild illness to severe levels of disease, such as kidney failure, liver, coronary heart disease and acid urat.buah Morinda citrifolia also in the believer can lose weight

    Because a lot of properties that people Morinda citrifolia processing into various products, one of them is Morinda citrifolia juice. Morinda citrifolia juice business continues to grow as more and more people are realizing benefits Morinda citrifolia juice.

    which became the topic today is to learn why the Home business Morinda citrifolia juice described as alternative as an option in home enterprise,
    we certainly know the importance of health and how much it costs expensive hospital care today,
    with the new and breakthrough public confidence will its efficacy Morinda citrifolia fruit, our time is that taking Transitional how fruit processing and marketing of this Morinda citrifolia,as well as changes in shape and smell of fruit originally Morinda citrifolia ugly, and a bad smell, became a potent drink as a medicine,

    as illustrated

    One of the juice business enjoy Morinda citrifolia is Philip P. Soekirno. Employers who resided in Jakarta is selling brand Morinda citrifolia Morinda juice.

    Philip went into business Morinda citrifolia juice business after his own feeling the benefits of this fruit juice.

    61-year-old businessman was never suffered kidney failure, liver swelling, coronary heart disease and high uric acid. At that time, Philip's life expectancy is thin. On the advice of the family, he was diligent Morinda citrifolia juice. The result, Philip disease gradually recovered. "Now, I live a normal life without any food abstinence," he said.

    After recovering, Philip learned how to process Morinda citrifolia be consumed wine. Fruit Morinda citrifolia including processed hard. Because, in the fruit there is a dangerous layer of wax. Moreover, this fruit has many seeds. "To cultivate Morinda citrifolia need room temperature about 10 degrees Celsius, so as not many fungi and bacteria grow," he said.

    Having mastered Morinda citrifolia juice processing techniques, beginning in 2007 Philip started his business. Capital of Rp 250 million from the People's Business Credit (KUR), Philip bought Morinda citrifolia processing equipment and opened outlets in Central Jakarta. Initially, he could only process 200 kg-500 kg Morinda citrifolia week. At that time, turnover USD 20 million per month.

    In fact Philip thriving business. Philip is now capable of processing 1 ton to 2 tons Morinda citrifolia per week. From there, Philip could have turnover of about USD 100 million per month. "Sales are good," said Philip sumringah. Philip claimed could get 60 percent margin of juice sales Morinda citrifolia

    Sunday, November 8, 2009

    Business Electronic Voucher AutoRefill

    Welcome to our site TiyoCell-Evoucher

    We provide refill service credit / voucher elektrik for pre-paid products from cellular operators in Indonesia, such as: Telkomsel, Telkom Flexy, Indosat, XL, Three, Mobile-8, Esia and others.

    This service we offer to you in electronic voucher business, namely by providing a stock of pre-paid vouchers from mobile operators such.

    With a relatively affordable capital and free registration fee, you have the opportunity to run a business vouchers for all kinds of electrical products that we offer vouchers.

    For further explanation, can be found on the system.
    If deemed still less, do not hesitate to contact us, either indirectly or directly to the Online Support.

    Please join and take advantage of this business opportunity with us

    Whit Price list Contac Us Ym ==>


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